Monthly Support Group Meetings

Lisa Laney • Practice of Care Management

6 Feb  2024

Lisa Laney will review the practice of Care Management, how to select a professional with whom to work, and various nuances specific to aging & navigation of our local (and chaotic) healthcare systems especially as it applies to people with Parkinson’s Disease and those that care for them.

March Business Meeting Video


5 Mar 2024

Opening and business portion of March meeting. The larger group split into small groups for discussion and that was not recorded.


April Business Meeting Video

2 April 2024

Vender Fair including services such as: physical therapy and exercise, home safety assessment, medical equipment for home and personal use, speech and swallowing therapy, adult day care, care management education and guidance, legal estate and end of life planning, in-home care, and elder adventure activities.


May Business Meeting Video

7 May 2024

The Parkinson’s Support Group of Asheville will explore diet and nutrition at its May 7 meeting.  Kendra Miller, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and co-owner of Fueling Life Nutrition in Asheville will talk about how good eating habits and a balanced diet can help people with Parkinson’s feel their best and maintain their energy.

We Can't Do This Alone