Join Us

Please Join Our Fight

There are many ways you can support the fight against Parkinson’s and to help someone you know or others against the fight of Parkinson’s. Your generosity helps us improve care and propels us towards a cure for Parkinson’s disease (PD). Every day, volunteers and donors help us make life better for people with Parkinson’s. Think about it!  What better way to help and serve others.  Please join our fight!


You are not alone, become a member of the Parkinson’s Support  Group of Asheville. As a member, you will be able to attend our monthly educational meeting and get information and resources from our guest speakers. Attend our small group meetings where you have the opportunity to share experiences and ask questions, about the challenges of living with Parkinson’s.  We have small group meetings for people with Parkinson’s and Support Partners. Enjoy the companionship at our summer picnic and holiday party and stay connected with our monthly newsletter.
Don’t be alone become a member.
Annual Dues: 
Single membership $25 
Couple membership $40

Parkinson's support group of asheville activities
parkinson's support group of asheville join us meeting

Business Support Member

Become a Business Support Member and help the Parkinson’s Support Group of Asheville increase awareness of Parkinson’s disease in our community.
  • By becoming a member you will help us to continue offering programs that help Parkinson’s patients and their support partners navigate the challenges of life with Parkinson’s.
  • As a member you will have a hyperlink of your web address to our web site exposing your business to our members and visitors. A listing on our newsletter for one year, and a once-a-year opportunity to present at our monthly meeting.

Volunteer Opportunities

As we grow, so does our need for volunteers. Listed are some of our more pressing needs. For more information, please e-mail

Our monthly letter listing the activities for that month.

Offer t-shirts to members, take orders, collect payment, and order new shirts as needed.

Activities – Keep t shirts for sale, take orders, handle sales and collect payment.  Work with supplier on design and orders.

Work to connect people who need rides to group meetings and events with those willing to provide rides.

Insure all groups have a leader, meeting place, and meeting schedule.


Fill in for treasurer when necessary.

Locate and apply for grants to fund projects and  operations.


We Can't Do This Alone